Kasimir’s sister Patrina was chosen as a bride of Strahd. As punishment the Dusk Elves stoned her to death. Incised at being denied her as a bride Strahd murdered all the female Dusk Elves dooming the race to oblivion. The spirit of Kasimir’s sister calls out to him from beneath Castle Ravenolft through dark and troubling dreams.


Kasimir. Dusk Elf Leader at Vistani Camp. Description: His ears are missing; cut-off by Strahd. Bio: He had a sister, Patrina, who Strahd fell in love with. After Patrina died, Strahd took vengance on the people who he felt had deprived him of his love; he killed all the dusk elf women, and cut off Kasimir’s ears.

The blow was too much – Ulfrik fell unconscious, bleeding drastically. The sunsword fell to the floor and the sunlight went out like a lamp. Albreth grabbed it, and shoved it down his gullet. Strahd screamed, “You will all drown in blood!” The other had no interest in the party members, as none were powerful wizards, and the final one offered the gift to raise the ancient dead, which Kasimir accepted.

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Beyond that room they found a treasure vault guarded by a massive amber golem, but chose to move on. Apollo and Vladimir, meanwhile, saw Strahd in a dream. Strahd grabbed Ulfrik by the throat, hoisted him up and swatted him down. The blow was too much – Ulfrik fell unconscious, bleeding drastically.

These will attempt to enter into some sort of pact with the being who engages them. Each sarcophagi spirit will offer a different deal, but Kasimir warns that these deals come at a great price.

Kasimir Velikov is an NPC from the 5th Edition module Curse of Strahd. In CoS, Kasimir is the leader of (and one of the last remaining) group of dusk elves that reside within Barovia. The majority of his people were slaughtered by Strahd 's armies, leaving him with a massive guilt complex.

Dusk Elf Leader at Vistani Camp. Description: His ears are missing; cut-off by Strahd. Bio: He had a sister, Patrina, who Strahd fell in love with. After Patrina died, Strahd took vengance on the people who he felt had deprived him of his love; he killed all the dusk elf women, and cut off Kasimir’s ears.

Kasimir curse of strahd

In Curse of Strahd, throughout my present playthrough of it (with me because the DM) the NPC Kasimir is the social gathering’s ally (“Strahd’s Enemy”).It says all through the journey (at any time when Kasimir is talked about in any respect) that he: It says, on p. 90, within the description for Crypt 21:

Their "curse" and the "solution" are extremely gross. The former, as a symbol of Strahd's misogyny, is justifiable. The latter is not. I still haven't figured out how I want to resolve this; maybe some type of infertility curse, or something unrelated entirely to reproduction. I 2021-02-26 · Patrina Velikovna was a beautiful dusk elf from outside Vallaki that had become an obsession of Strahd’s , likely due to being a reincarnation of the soul of his former love, Tatyana.

Kasimir curse of strahd

And the group was very wary, but we agreed we  18 Aug 2020 Sneaking (and riding) into the Vistani camp, they met with the Dusk Elves' leader, Kasimir Velikov, still peeved that Strahd killed all the women of  19 May 2017 The melancholy Dusk Elf introduced himself as Kasimir Velikov, and invited the pair into his home for tea. Occulus intrigued agreed, while Mikhail  6 feb 2018 Kasimir porta sulla testa sempre un cappuccio per nascondere le orecchie mutilare. Molto tempo fa, sua Dark Gift: La maledizione di Strahd. 23 Feb 2019 My players have been warned – by me as a DM, by Kasimir in-game – The Amber Temple does not piss about. They'd best bring their A-game. 29 Sep 2016 I think this means she served under Saint Markovia. Kasimir and Patrina: Kasimir is detailed in Fair Barovia.
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These visions have led him to believe this frozen place holds the secret to Strahd’s power as well as the key to his destruction.

He and his group reside with the Vistani outside of Vallaki.
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2017-09-22 2018-08-23 2017-04-15 Kasimir. Dusk Elf Leader at Vistani Camp. Description: His ears are missing; cut-off by Strahd. Bio: He had a sister, Patrina, who Strahd fell in love with. After Patrina died, Strahd took vengance on the people who he felt had deprived him of his love; he killed all the dusk elf women, and cut off Kasimir’s ears.